CrowlinGallanus While adoption is a possibility, cross class isn't really something that happens. Because the family would have applied for the permit to actually have a child they would be expected to care for them as well. The structure of society is very much rank based, and there wouldn't be much mixing in that way.
LeveninLiving conditions can vary wildly depending on the sector of the district a citizen is in. Tech on the other hand is much more evenly spread out - so while it might be more difficult for someone from the slums or lower class to get that sweet new scanner that has 25 different functions, they're still able to. Upper class living can be somewhat compared to the citadel presidium from Mass Effect in looks, where as the lower class and slums areas could be compared to the dark and broken parts of NYC.
The test isn't actually! Doing poorly at a job or education would make it possible for someone to fall in rank. Performance and ability are valued highly in Novus, and slackers aren't rewarded because they just happened to be born in a higher class. It's not possible to submit a form IC to go to a lower rank, but they could purposely choose to fail the test or do poorly at work. There would be a grace period for students however.
kyne - first set of questions lmfao
1. Yes they could ! Because they have nothing to stop them, reproduction isn't halted at all for scavengers. however that's only if they're with another scavenger. They'd be unable to reproduce if with a citizen that still had their implants active.
2. All classes have access to basic heath care and it would vary in quality by class. The upper classes get the most advanced treatment as well as the highest quality medicine, while the slums would be lucky to get a roll of gauze in some parts. However it is possible for higher classes to visit the slums and provide better medical care - or even for a high ranking doctor to have fallen in rank. Pretty much, the lifespans are a good way to tell the levels of care, where the highest ranks can live up to 120 years, with the lowest clocking in at under 80.
3. Both actually ! While they would typically know of the others, many could form their own groups based on their ideals. Really it all depends on what their specific goal is at the time and it can vary from individual to individual. But there would always be a main group, even if it's not RP'd IC.
4. This is a yes ! As long as it's counted towards being part of a weaponized item, and explained in what ways it effects and the limits - tech to boost magic would be okay.
5. You're correct in the sense that they are part of that class area. Children go with their families, so if one parent happened to be demoted they would stay with the higher ranking one. If both moved from upper class to lower, the children would follow. If their parents were killed or they were somehow orphaned, their class would remain in the area they were born in.
As for the class mixing - that's more so up to the individual. Cross class relationships are frowned upon in society but that doesn't stop people from taking part in them. So while some might be like "eew you're a gross lower class nerd" other would be excited to meet someone their own age, as would their parents because the little terror was finally entertained.
TychéThis would be possible yes! It'd be something like an extension cord for their port, which is fine.
Just note that it would also open a person up for malicious data being used against them if someone get a hold of their extended port. As for other types of interfaces, this really all depends on what specifics you might have had in mind.
Kokotan1. Actually scavengers could be considered classless. Because they technically wouldn't exist on the society, and would essentially be dead, then they make up an entire class outside of the system. The slums just makes for an easier place to live without as much fear of being executed on the spot OUO
2. Speaking out loud would still be needed for the communication to work. The government is always watching and they can't miss out on someone calling Martha and telling her all bout the amazing earrings she saw yesterday.
3. weapons would be possible to be used with magix! It would still have to be activated through the port and draw the things needed from the body, but a weapon could possibly channel the magic as needed. These would need to be listed under unique tech!
4. This one is a bit tricky. It would be possible to have a child adopted back into society - though it would be rare cases and be dependent on the circumstances. Since they lack the tell tell signs of having had an implant then they wouldn't be seen as a criminal like their parents were. It would also depend on who found them. Some would execute on the spot, others would find a way to work them into the system. It's really a case by case basis, and would be the child's choice if they wanted surgery to have the implant added.
5. This would actually be illegal because of the strict enforcement of the class system. Over night stays and short visits wouldn't be much of a problem, but the longer the lower class citizen stayed in the middle class area - the more likely it would be to have a member of the common police knocking on your door. Members of the slums would be allowed for a considerably shorter time as well.
Okay so, public transportation would stop about at the beginning of the slums, with some of their self run things going into it. However, throughout the rest of the city, there would be transportation to and from the other places. Floating keyboards would be a go! But flying cars would be seen as a safety hazard to citizens because they are in a dome without much air space, so for now those are a no! Maybe in the future tho ;v;
The Slums could possibly have faulty plumbing / electricity depending on which part they were in, because even that area has better / worse areas.
Didn't see your 6th question, sorry Koko!
6. Yes, there would be! Not really any in the slums, but some would start appearing in lower class and they would get more numerous/prettier as you went up in class. The only beach would be inside the Biodome in upper class, though.