honhonhon lime oui oui attie's booty
Posts: 27
Preferred Name: Chika
Pronouns: she/her
Character Profile: Zeph
Character Name: Zephyr Cherybelle
Main Account: Teddy
Status: Active
Post by Zephyr on Jul 30, 2015 2:54:53 GMT -5
Zephyr wasn't trying to stare or anything, really, but he just couldn't help but glance over at Attie when he started chewing on his lip. It was just, y'know, it was there. He couldn't help but keep his smile up, already more than enjoying his idea of time > money for compensation. Offering a nod in agreement, because you're most certainly right he would enjoy telling a story he loved talking, he awaited a theme to be given to him.
And then there was one. After casual observing glances, Attie offered him one with a laugh. Limes. Ah. His lips parted, and he was actually a bit caught off guard by that. Was the cutie teasing him? He was! He was teasing him! A delayed response of a laugh escaped him, and Zephyr shook his head, grinning at the other man. Cute, too cute, damn. And he was doing that thing again, bringing his hand up near his neck.
"Adventures, romance, heroes, fantastic danger, true love... Exciting, not silly." Zephyr echoed with a light chuckle, shifting things around in his arms again. "Let's see what I can do, hmm..." Facing forward, he closed his eyes briefly in thought. Sure, he could think of decent stories on the spot, but the best took a moment of planning -- and he did want to leave a good impression on the other.
After a moment, he was all cheerful grins again, glancing over at Attie. "Well, how about this? I bet it's like nothing you've heard before." A different sort of look came over him, something that betrayed his own excitement for weaving some sort of tale. "And, it's most definitely true. A long time ago, you see, before Novus, when the world was much less advanced, there were different rules in place. Unfair, cold rules. There was one man--let's call him Z for the sake of the story--who was a handsome young face with absolutely no tolerance for these terrible rules. He frequently traveled, spreading cheer and laughter to the less fortunate. He had a sister, as well, who didn't quite agree with his carefree lifestyle, but loved him all the same. It was dangerous to go against the norm, of course, but Z persisted without incident. Of course, that is until he encountered a roadblock."
Pause. Zephyr shifted, turning a corner and making a quick assessment of their surroundings, before focusing his gaze on Attie again. They honestly wouldn't be traveling too much farther, but he was sure he had enough time to make up the rest of the story. That is--assuming Attie prompted, and was interested at all (at the very least, in humoring him).
Posts: 32
Preferred Name: Scotty
Character Name: Attie
Main Account: Kyne
Post by Atticus on Jul 30, 2015 14:27:45 GMT -5
There had been a good reaction from the limes joke - ahh good, no offenses taken! Attie didn't really want to go around accusing people of being lime stealing whores when they were really just appreciators of green citrus fruit. The other young man seemed to think on the suggestion for a while, hopefully mulling up some interesting story or other - though Attie of course didn't expect him to just make something up to humor him! If he liked stories then maybe he already knew some.
After a short stretch, Zephyr spoke up, beginning to tell a bit of a story. It was a set up that Attie liked - before Novus, somewhere different, somewhere he didn't know. Anything that was different than Novus sparked his attention because then it wasn't something he could see or hear about just any day. When Zephyr stopped, though (even if it was a pause for dramatic effect and to turn a corner), Attie sparked up a response.
"A roadblock?" he echoed, walking ahead a bit and turning so he could walk backwards and watch Zephyr as he talked. "Don't leave it off there- what kind of roadblock?"
Perhaps it was a bit silly of him to be interested but he really wanted to know not just the story but what kind of story that Zephyr would tell. There was a lot that could be gathered about a person, even a stranger, from what kinds of things that they wanted to say and Attie could say with confidence that he found Zephyr to be at least a curious and interesting person. He was definitely enough so that Attie had forgotten all about his earlier discomfort in being away from home and out among potentially dangerous strangers.
honhonhon lime oui oui attie's booty
Posts: 27
Preferred Name: Chika
Pronouns: she/her
Character Profile: Zeph
Character Name: Zephyr Cherybelle
Main Account: Teddy
Status: Active
Post by Zephyr on Jul 30, 2015 18:20:10 GMT -5
Almost instantly, the brunette chimed in, echoing Zephyr's last words with surefire interest. Heterochromatic eyes followed Attie as he moved forward and turned to face him, and a surge of pride trickled through him. It was always a pleasure to have someone absolutely captivated by a story--the look of wonder and curiosity was payment enough every single time.
He nodded, offering a soft laugh. "Well, our protagonist, Z, started to get a little... overzealous, for lack of a better term. He started taking a more proactive approach to expressing his discontent with the evil things he saw happening in the world. It wasn't long before the common people thought of him a hero, snuffing out injustice by the white wash of moonlight. But how is this a roadblock, I'm sure you're wondering?" A mischievous smile touched Zephyr's lips as he watched Attie, taking a moment to shift the box in his arms. Oogh, his arms were starting to ache a bit.
"The government didn't like it one bit. Their citizens were suddenly much more rebellious, and corrupt law enforcers were mysteriously disappearing. It didn't take long, sadly enough, for Z to be exposed to these villains, if you will. And once he was exposed... so, too, was his sister." A momentary flash of discomfort stole through his gaze, but he turned his head and closed his eyes, keeping on his smile and guarding his own thoughts. "She was kidnapped, and he was given a choice: spare her life by turning himself in, or continue to fight against them at the cost of his beloved sister."
That seemed to be another good point to give a brief pause, and he finally glanced at the brunette again. A turning point, a choice; would his newly acquired companion have any particular reactions, or would he quietly insist that Zephyr continue? Or maybe, and Zephyr hoped this wasn't the case, he'd wish to hear no more.
Posts: 32
Preferred Name: Scotty
Character Name: Attie
Main Account: Kyne
Post by Atticus on Jul 30, 2015 19:13:32 GMT -5
Attie glanced over his shoulder a moment to get an idea of the road they were on before looking back at Zephyr. His hands were still locked behind his back and he was walking backwards, sort of on his heels with bright seagreen eyes trained on the other man. It hadn't taken long for the other to continue his story, picking up in describing the dastardly issue that the heroic main character faced. There was definitely fantastic danger, just like Attie had asked for - and eyebrows rose when he mentioned Z's sister.
Zephyr finished with the dilemma, pausing again here and Attie stumbled a bit, catching himself and unlinking his hands and then deciding that walking backwards was probably not the greatest idea. Turning instead to walk beside Zephyr, he asked fairly quickly, "How did he get out of that? You wouldn't tell a story with a bad ending - - right?"
Because only people who were jerks immediately jumped into stories with sad endings where horrible things happened to good people! Zephyr surely seemed like a better person than that, a nicer storyteller. Attie was sure there must have been some fantastic escape to save both Z and his sister!
honhonhon lime oui oui attie's booty
Posts: 27
Preferred Name: Chika
Pronouns: she/her
Character Profile: Zeph
Character Name: Zephyr Cherybelle
Main Account: Teddy
Status: Active
Post by Zephyr on Jul 30, 2015 20:06:01 GMT -5
When the other man stumbled, Zephyr's instinct was to reach out and help--but, aha, his hands were kind of full, right. Luckily, Attie had caught himself, and a quiet sigh of relief passed through the pink-haired man's lips. Eyes focusing on him as he went back to Zephyr's side, he offered another grin to the brunette. Questions--good questions. These were the sorts of things that kept a storyteller going, the things that revealed true interest.
"I would never," he insisted, giving a small shake of his head. Given that a large portion of his stories were bedtime tales for his sister, or just giant excuses explaining himself out of danger, he didn't usually have a bad ending in mind he could ever stick too -- although maybe that was because of technically being the protagonist. Briefly, he mused, the only bad ending he could tell would probably end in his own death. Not like that would be happening any time soon.
But right! On with the tale!
"Naturally, Z was incredibly conflicted. He had committed himself to his people, but how could he ever turn his back on his beloved sister? He couldn't! But he had so little time to plan, so he had no choice but to hope for the best. He turned himself in, and surprisingly enough, they were true to their word of releasing his sister. They did threaten him, of course, that should he try to escape, both of their lives would be taken. For now, though, he was happy simply to have her out of immediate danger." Zephyr shifted the box onto one arm again, bringing his now free hand up to rub his chin in thought. He paused, glancing around, and took another turn around a corner. It was a rougher alley, but all the better to avoid more cameras than he was comfortable with, if he was remembering the roads correctly. Aha, hopefully Attie was more concerned with the story than the immediate direction.
Continuing, he focused his eyes on the other's, a solemn expression place. "It wasn't pleasant. They could have simply locked him up and been done with it, but there was one woman who was not satisfied. She was possessed by her own anger, and she made sure to acquaint our hero with the kiss of a knife every day. The intent was skewed at best, but one day, Z noticed something--something that would be the key to his escape."
Posts: 32
Preferred Name: Scotty
Character Name: Attie
Main Account: Kyne
Post by Atticus on Jul 30, 2015 20:51:33 GMT -5
It would have been right to say that Attie didn't notice the turn down the rougher alleyway - he wasn't really paying any attention at all to things that weren't the story, which was potentially dangerous for him. However, so far he seemed to have been in good enough hands that nothing bad had happened. The story had continued in a way that sounded bad, though, even though Zephyr said he'd never have a bad ending to a story like that. When the man paused a bit at the statement about only being happy that his sister was safe.
A look came over the storyteller's face as he went on to talk about how Z was not left alone, but that someone had it out to get him. Attie frowned in response, first crossing his arms over his chest as he walked and listened and then bringing his hand up to rest the back of his knuckles against his lips. This didn't sound like a good story at all - or at least, not until Zephyr mentioned escape.
"Escape? He gets out, right?" Clearly he was needing to know more, and clearly he wanted the brave hero Z to be safe and escape! Even if this was a made up story, he didn't have it in his heart to not want everyone to be okay - and so that apparently stretched on to make-believe heroes too.
honhonhon lime oui oui attie's booty
Posts: 27
Preferred Name: Chika
Pronouns: she/her
Character Profile: Zeph
Character Name: Zephyr Cherybelle
Main Account: Teddy
Status: Active
Post by Zephyr on Jul 30, 2015 21:39:48 GMT -5
The nervous mannerisms sold Attie's interest to him even more, and he felt just a little guilty for putting the story's hero through a bit of torture but. Well. He had to have a few shreds of truth to his story, right? Not that he'd specify what was real and what wasn't, to anyone, ever, but it was sort of a personal requirement he couldn't stand to break.
Ever quick to jump on his pauses, Attie questioned Z's escape. A cheeky grin crossed Zephyr's lips, and he nodded in an 'of course, of course' sort of way. "Every evening, when the woman left, she seemed to get more and more careless. Z seemed to be growing weaker, after all, so what threat was he to her? His wrists were bound, and his spirits seemingly broken. She lingered, just a little too long one day, and he was able to swipe her legs from under her--" For effect, he made a slashing motion with his free hand, before deciding it would be better to keep the box in both arms again. "--with a kick. She never saw it coming! With her falling, the keys that she would have used to lock the cell behind her fell from her hands, sliding nearer to him. It was a dangerous tactic-- what if they had flown the opposite way? What if she hadn't fallen? It was lucky even that the fall had disoriented her, considering that a hard floor is never kind to a skull. With hasty, almost panicked movements, he was able to shuffle the keys behind him, and thus began the task of actually freeing his hands from cuffs with a keyhole he couldn't see, and a plethora of keys he couldn't know."
It was---honestly--a bit. Hmm. Something. His shoulders felt tense. It wasn't exactly pleasant, he supposed, to relive something like this. He could recall the fervent movements of his fingers, the sting in his chest, the panic in his mind. But he kept a smile on his face, eyes narrowing in a way that said he was more than enjoying the story weaving. "You will be pleased to know he escaped the cell--and locked the lady officer in it in his place. It was late, and the area wasn't guarded as well as it could have been, either, so escaping his prison was smooth sailing from there. He managed to find his sister again, and from there, they never remained in one place for too long-- ah..." His words trailed off and he came to a stop, glancing forward and then looking at Attie. Oh dear, they'd reached his destination. Had time flown so quickly?
Smiling softly, he tilted his head, eyes bright. "That's not the end of our hero's tale, but I must say this chapter is over." Another chuckle escaped him. Perhaps it was enticing enough that Attie would want to hear more--that was always the goal, at least. Repeat "customers."
Posts: 32
Preferred Name: Scotty
Character Name: Attie
Main Account: Kyne
Post by Atticus on Jul 30, 2015 22:08:59 GMT -5
Attie followed the story, frown hidden behind his hand and eyes completely glued to Zephyr now. It was a bad idea to get this caught up in anything and not pay attention to what was around you but he needed to know how this ended now! The reassuring nod did a little to make it better, though the story still tugged on him. He was far too sympathetic, apparently - Attie was genuinely beginning to feel bad for the hero of the story.
When Zephyr continued it, pausing to make a motion mimicking the force of a kick, Attie jumped back a little but let him finish. He was lost in the story now, drawn into the fate of Z and he didn't consciously notice any change in Zephyr as he spoke. If he had, he likely would have attributed it to his skill as a story teller, being able to convey such emotion so well.
The pink haired man tied up the end of the story, outlining the daring escape of the brave Z. Attie noticed the glance away, at a place - was this... where Zephyr was going? He said that the story was over, to which Attie momentarily looked disappointed, though he reigned it in to a smile because he didn't want to be rude.
"There's more?" He asked before he stopped himself, uncurling his hand and bringing it away from his face as he looked surprised at himself. "Sorry, I - ah, you tell very good stories, is all."
He smiled then, remembering his errands but shoeing them away as he followed the man the rest of the way to his destination. "I would like to hear more, if there is any, but I don't want to be imposing." He laughed there, continuing, "I am the one who troubled you. But that was... really very good. I suppose I'm a sucker for dashing, brave heroes like that one."
honhonhon lime oui oui attie's booty
Posts: 27
Preferred Name: Chika
Pronouns: she/her
Character Profile: Zeph
Character Name: Zephyr Cherybelle
Main Account: Teddy
Status: Active
Post by Zephyr on Jul 31, 2015 0:07:04 GMT -5
Briefly, there was a look of disappointment that crossed Attie's face, but it was immediately replaced by a smile and a question. Zephyr held his own smile, watching the emotions shift in the other's face. Really, he'd been vaguely watching the other man, but it didn't compare to actually being able to focus his attention on his companion. Cute, so so cute. "Don't be sorry," he slipped in, all smiles. "I appreciate the compliment."
Zephyr stopped upon reaching a door, hesitating as he glanced at Attie once more. Words of interest, accompanied with a laugh that he had already grown fond of hearing. The pink-haired man laughed, too, offering the other a grin. "Not imposing at all. I'm always happy to have someone willing to put up with my little stories." There wasn't really anything little about them usually, except the fact that most of them had only a little true information packed in despite his claims. "I promise you there are many more fantastical tales about our hero Z. More danger, more adventure, maybe even a little love that's not so familial." Well, that part was to be debated. The only "princess" in his stories tended to take a sisterly role, and, well. He might prefer a prince to whisk away, anyway.
Glancing down at the box in his hands, he lifted one knee to help balance it as he shuffled things around once more, intent on hiding things. Well, at this angle, it didn't exactly look like things were... missing. Maybe he could get away with simply leaving the box and taking off after a simple knock? But perhaps that would be questionable to his newfound friend.
"If you need anything, or rather just want a good story, I wouldn't be opposed to offering my contact information to a cutie like you." He laughed, giving a wink. "Alternatively, if you can find a WITCHES guild member, I'm sure they could make my lil sis flag me down and appear like the magic from fairy tales." Okay that would honestly not be a Quickly Appearing Zephyr Solution, but if Attie went back to being skittish at the thought of his information being compromised, it was the only other workaround he could think of.
Posts: 32
Preferred Name: Scotty
Character Name: Attie
Main Account: Kyne
Post by Atticus on Jul 31, 2015 0:38:40 GMT -5
The two of them reached a door and Zephyr stopped. That was... likely where he had been headed, then. Kind of ... disappointing? Attie had enjoyed the walk. Zephyr didn't seem like he was going to tell more of the story, though, instead just teasing about future contents. He then offered his contact info, calling Attie once again cute and this caught him.
"Well, I - - " he began, trying not to turn red to his ears because ???? he wasn't ?? used to this.
OHhh -- - and now Attie was conflicted. He... wouldn't have minded getting his information. Hearing another story, having someone to visit with that wasn't bleeding out on his floor thanks kyne. But... but - - - he knew he should be careful who he trusted. He knew and there was no way that Zephyr was... completely up to all good only good things - who was, these days? However... he seemed genuine enough.
But it was such a risk.
"I don't think I have it in me to turn down that offer," He added with a soft smile, banishing the tinge on his cheeks away as best he could. What... could it hurt? Kyne did tell him to do some things for himself once and a while and not to be working so hard all the time so, maybe a storyteller friend who liked limes was exactly what that entailed. He opened up the little interface and opted to send a share contact info request. Not a big open public one but one that he'd have to confirm. Hopefully... hopefully Zephyr wasn't turned off if he happened to notice his class status. "I might want to hear all about the rest of your stories some time."
Company was good, yeah?