officially a swaggy gryffindor
rats in the freezer
Posts: 130
Preferred Name: Kenny
Character Profile: Character Hub
Character Name: Kendra Saunders
Status: Active
Post by Kendra on Dec 21, 2015 1:16:45 GMT -5
Kendra scoffed. "At least not in the usual way." Who knew if she'd ever need to actually take his clothes off. Though nice to know they were on the same page for each other now. It made things easier for the both of them. And while her annoyance and over the top dramatics were more directed now, it was good to know that at least she didn't have to keep up with the farce after being snapped out of his pointless little spell.
"Just stating the usual reaction people have." A dusting of red moved over her cheeks, though her mask did a good enough job of hiding it. No reason to let him know she blushed after being called out on her dramatics. Especially not because of him.
"Up to me, hm?" Meaning if she actually let him lead instead of being difficult… And why did she care? Well, there might have been a small part of her that simple wanted to prove him wrong and right the horrid performance she gave so many years ago. "Well, let's try it out and see." She turned to look at him, keeping her casual stance and arms crossed.
"Dance with me."
typical noodle conversations
Post by Samuel on Dec 21, 2015 1:19:37 GMT -5
"Should I be looking to protect my modesty around you Kendra? I'd rather not have to fend off your attempts to disrobe me whenever I look away." It would be rather inconvenient for the both of them, wouldn't it? But it was funny how she was speaking as if he'd been the one putting a strain on them. Kendra was the one who'd insisted on throwing herself into awkward situations with them, wasn't she? "Is that so? I'd no idea people were usually so overdramatic." Mask or not, he didn't care enough at the moment to track her reactions, so she had little to worry about.
And that was about what he meant, yes. Samuel was perfectly capable at creating pleasant conversation if he wished to, but Kendra seemed to be rather lacking in those skills. His gaze shifted sideways to her as she continued on, ending in that delightful little 'order'.
Samuel spoke without a moment of hesitation, the expression on his face not changing. Really, did she think it was that easy? He yawned slightly. "You know how it goes by now, Kendra. I don't indulge the whims of others for free."
officially a swaggy gryffindor
rats in the freezer
Posts: 130
Preferred Name: Kenny
Character Profile: Character Hub
Character Name: Kendra Saunders
Status: Active
Post by Kendra on Dec 21, 2015 1:37:04 GMT -5
"I'm sure you'd have no issues 'fending off' my so called advances. And seeing as you've never had to worry about keeping modesty around me, I think we're fine." Did he think her an animal that would rip his clothes off the moment she desired to do so? How disgusting. Her self control was much better than that. Not to mention she had no desire to do something so deplorable to him. Ah, but hadn't he said she always pushed blame onto others? Why else wouldn't he be the one to blame? Silly Samuel. "You must not meet a wide range of people then."
It wasn't so much an order as a request. Really, not every statement meant she was 'ordering' him to do things. And she thought her own pride could rarely be matched. Samuel certainly gave her a run for her money.
"I didn't expect it for free, Samuel. I've accepted the game you like to play." She shrugged and rolled her eyes, legs shifting before she settled back down. "We have a data session later. Think of this as advanced payment. Better than eating together, wouldn't you say?"
typical noodle conversations
Post by Samuel on Dec 21, 2015 1:40:49 GMT -5
"Well you're not always going to be inebriated, are you? If your physical skills were less than mine than I wouldn't have much reason for you to be a bodyguard, now would I? I'm simply being cautious in light of your past actions." Well, animals could generally be trained better than her. Kendra was a little too rabid for his tastes. And she was a little too quick to forget her previous actions, wasn't she? Just because she wasn't as ridiculously infatuated with him now as she was before didn't mean she hadn't acted selfishly and annoyingly in the past. "Between the two of us I think I know a wider range of individuals, frankly." It would make sense if she only hung out with those as ridiculous as herself, he supposed.
Maybe she should consider a please at the end, hm? Although he supposed that was expecting a little too much of her. "Then don't beat around the bush in the first place and suggest your payment when you make the request." It wasted their time. But he shrugged his shoulders. "That works." He turned to her, giving her a quick glance up and down. "I know it might be quite painful for you, but you are aware dancing will involve you touching me?" Her closed off posture suggested anything but wanting to be close to someone. He offered a hand in her direction, and if she had been practicing at all like she'd said she had she would understand the cue. But best to let her initiate it, lest she gripe at him later for doing something she hadn't paid for.
officially a swaggy gryffindor
rats in the freezer
Posts: 130
Preferred Name: Kenny
Character Profile: Character Hub
Character Name: Kendra Saunders
Status: Active
Post by Kendra on Dec 21, 2015 1:49:20 GMT -5
"Of course, of course. Caution is something very much understandable in so many cases." She had no intentions to be tamed, so good to know he saw her as rabid. She'd rather be rabid than a broken dog ready for every command he would give. But no, Kendra was a selfish person. Perhaps she could break those moments depending on who she was with, but she knew too well just how selfish she could be.
"I'm surprised you didn't just assume it would be in exchange for something. You're quite good at making assumptions." He should have known that she didn't expect him to simply go along with requests without compensation. She might have fucked up in the last few weeks, but she wasn't so much an idiot to not understand after having it literally beaten into her head. Though she was surprised he agreed so readily afterwards. Shameless man. "Quite aware, yes. I'll just scrub extra hard tonight."
A smile spread across her lips, her hand hesitating to take his hand for a moment before placing it down. Her grip was loose enough to not actually hurt him, even though the temptation had been there. No reason to be too rude, of course. She wasn't a child after all. The fact she actually had on three inch heels did make things easier while walking out with him onto the dance floor, her posture much more open than it had been all night.
"Careful with the cape, Samuel. I'd hate to have to catch you." She offered him a smile, free hand moving to his arm. She loosened up, taking a deep breath to keep back to biting annoyance that he was her partner. Ah, but she had asked to prove a point - even if he didn't much care about it.
typical noodle conversations
Post by Samuel on Dec 21, 2015 1:51:17 GMT -5
"It is indeed. Pity you couldn't exercise any before." He'd given her fair warning about staying in his home before, after all. And so long as she was leashed he didn't much care what kind of animal she was, to be honest. But they had no problems with that at least, now did they. "It's your job to offer me something interesting in exchange, Kendra. So if you don't make that offer from the get go I can only assume you're not planning on offering anything at all." He could give some general suggestions, but only if asked. It was more entertaining to watch others struggle to come up with something on their own. And she had no reason to be surprised, now did she? He'd made it very clear what his terms were. "Do remember you're the one who asked for this, would you?"
As soon as her hand was on his he strode forward towards the dance floor with her, stopping when there was a reasonable amount of space for the two of them. And really, Kendra wasn't a child? He'd been completely fooled. "You have no worries there, I assure you. But remember, this is for you to prove your skills to me, no? I'd hate to outdo you." He smiled politely at her, one hand moving towards her waist. It was amusing, how painful this looked for her. At least she kept proving his point about masochism. He didn't wait to confirm with her if she was ready before beginning the dance, broad steps across the dance floor and pulling her with him.
officially a swaggy gryffindor
rats in the freezer
Posts: 130
Preferred Name: Kenny
Character Profile: Character Hub
Character Name: Kendra Saunders
Status: Active
Post by Kendra on Dec 21, 2015 1:52:41 GMT -5
"Sometimes you just don't feel like listening." Sure, he had given her warning to leave, and it would have made her thoughts toward him less aggressive - but he should at least feel some satisfaction that she stopped the awkward bumbling crush bullshit. "Something you're interested in could range from an arm in a jar to the keys to Novus. You're quite picky." Things would be easier if he simply wanted to do what she asked, but she didn't see that happening ever. So she just had to think of things to ask for in exchange. Maybe she'd actually ask him next time. Or just get him to pay her in exchange instead of actual credits.
"How could I ever forget I asked? It's not as if you'd let me." At least they found a nice space to dance in. Her body instinctively recoiled away from him once his hand went to her waist. It wasn't much, but she righted herself before he whisked them across the dance floor. She kept in time with his leading, matching each wide step and turn. The music was easy enough to follow, and her flexibility was much better than it had been years ago. Her grip on him tightened, body pressed against him as another couple got a bit too close for comfort.
"You seem a bit stiff, Samuel. I would think you'd be a better leader."
typical noodle conversations
Post by Samuel on Dec 21, 2015 1:54:34 GMT -5
"That's true enough. I tend to judge based more on actions than words, as it is." Because Kendra spewed far too much nonsense for him to care about every word. "Then perhaps you should work at being more creative Kendra. And I'll remind you it's not a jar. You've seen it for yourself now, after all." And why would he want to do as she asked? She hardly merited any kind of respect. And her attitude towards him had gone for exploitative to aggressive. Hardly the grounds for a friendly exchange.
"Only because you seem so disgusted." Really, why pay for something you didn't want? It was a ridiculous notion. And come now, did she really have to flinch? That was hardly good form. He stayed relaxed as they moved, skillfully leading her through the steps and whisking her along. She had improved, it was true. But he hadn't really expecting her to be lying. "Don't make up lies for the sake of it Kendra." He was perfectly aware of the manner of his posture. "But tell me, why are you so desperate to prove your skills to me?"
officially a swaggy gryffindor
rats in the freezer
Posts: 130
Preferred Name: Kenny
Character Profile: Character Hub
Character Name: Kendra Saunders
Status: Active
Post by Kendra on Dec 21, 2015 1:55:52 GMT -5
"Actions are more reliable." He was right, she did spew quite a bit of bullshit. Though, that was changing. Slowly, but surely. "Quite a bit of pressure to entertain someone like you." Even if she knew her arm wasn't in a jar, it didn't stop her in the least. She had been calling it that for years, and one would imagine Samuel would have given up correcting her. Well, it just showed how anal he could be about things. Really though, even if they were on friendly terms and hadn't gone through such an awkward whiplash over the last few weeks - she doubted he would do as she asked. He wasn't exactly the type to enjoy orders.
"Did I? Ah, I might have been worried about the state of my bones." The flinch had been something she still needed to work on. Casual physical contact took getting used to, especially for someone that avoided it for so long. "Lies? Oh, I would never. Haven't you heard of teasing? Honestly, dealing with someone who makes it a goal to be 'perfect' in everything he does is troublesome." Her fingers gripped tighter on his side, her smile effortless and not in the least bit pained. She stepped in time with him, the tails of her coat effortlessly moving with each turn they made. "Desperate, is that what this seems like? Please, I'd love to hear what makes you think that."
typical noodle conversations
Post by Samuel on Dec 21, 2015 1:57:52 GMT -5
"Ah, a rare point that we agree on." Though he couldn't say the same of her thoughts afterwards. She seemed just as full of nonsense now as she had been before. "Good thing you're a hard worker then, isn't it?" He knew better than to prod her and ask what she meant by 'someone like him'. It wasn't drivel he wanted to hear at the moment. And replying to her claiming it as a 'jar' would mean he accepted that terminology, which he didn't. He'd rather not be quoted inappropriately. And see, there was an indication that Kendra really was socially inept. Samuel was fully capable of doing favors for friends. But Kendra had never really been on that level with him. Those he considered himself friendly with were in no way ordering him when requests were made. That was how asking for things worked.
"No need. I'll be sure to let you know if you deserve that." He gave her a polite smile. He wasn't impulsive, she should very well know that. The flinch had been slightly amusing though, he had to admit. "I don't believe I ever claimed to be perfect. But I'd rather critique come from an informed source and not an amateur." Or someone nitpicking out of spite. He returned her grip with a slight one of his own. Dear, he hoped she didn't flinch again. It would ruin their rhythm. "This is a matter of pride, is it not? But tell me, why do you care what I think of your dancing skills? After all, it's clear you don't enjoy this close contact with me. Or am I mistaken there?"