Posts: 15
Preferred Name: Sey
Pronouns: they/she
Character Profile: x
Character Name: Nadine Damani
Main Account: this one
Status: Active
Post by Nadine on Jan 11, 2016 1:33:05 GMT -5
Outbreak stage 1
Nadine had, of course, heard of the bestial shadows that stalked loners through the night. At first, she’d been quite interested and had delved into the theories and speculation caking the underbelly of the internet, but had come away rolling her eyes. There was no substance to the claims- the idiot “victims” had to have been druggies on a laced batch of whatever they choked their senses with, yet she still took care to not let her younger brother or her father out of her sight if they went out after dark.
She had never expected to experience them while walking Lucz home from tutoring, though.
Oh, god, she’d never expected this.
Even here, in this brilliantly lit, nameless place bustling with people even in the hour after dusk, Nadine still felt the cloying static that had clogged her electroreceptors, that had overwhelmed her from every corner of her awareness. She still heard the rattling growl that sounded as a prelude to her own imminent death rattle, a hideous growling, snuffling, scrabbling that had her heart racing as though she were seven again and for the first time in the presence of something blood thirsty that would devour her if she were but to blink. She needed someone to comfort, to help, and in her panic, she went to the only person she could think of- Seth.
Her fingers trembled, mirroring Lucz’s shivering, shell-shocked self sitting on the bench next to her, as she scrolled through the contacts on her cell- a pitifully short scroll- before closing them. Useless. Of course she deleted his information, how could she have forgotten? So she typed and retyped as her shaking fingers muddled her older brother’s number. Pathetic. Finally, finger over the green phone button, she hesitated. For a minute, then two, her wavering hand hovered over her phone, before her pride crashing down, taking her hand with it, down to connect her to the number she thought about calling more than she would ever admit. She closed her eyes and held the phone up to her ear while taking deep breaths.
He picked up just before it went to voice mail. “Nadine?.. Is something wrong?” “I.. Lucz and I were attacked.” Nadine took a deep breath, then felt her nerves spill over. “I-I’m not sure where I am, those attacks, they’re real. Oh god, I’m so happy I walked with Lucz, but I don’t know if he’ll be ok, if I can help him, if I can protect him, and I don’t want to leave, I can’t go back into the dark with him, I- I can’t go back, I can still feel it, it was so sudden and all around and huge but I can’t remember anything else and nothing should feel that big-“ “Nadine?? Slow down, are you ok? Did it hurt either of you?” Seth’s tone lilted up in worry. “Just stay where you are, you.. you did well. You did all you could.” “No, I’m.. Uh, Thank you. We’re fine.. Lucz, it didn’t hurt you, did it?” Lucz jolted at being addressed, turning his blank, ashen face towards her. He blinked, and seemed to come back to life, then looked down at himself. “Uh, no, I don’t think so,” he finally said. “Lucz says he’s fine. But I.. I don’t know what to do.” “Don’t move, I’ll come to pick you up. You should file a report as soon as possible so that thing doesn’t get away with this. Can you tell me any details of your surroundings so I can find you?” The mention of a report sobered Nadine and snapped her back to her senses. Fucking hell, she was talking to Seth. She was talking to a police officer, not her brother. She narrowed her eyes at nothing, and after a moment of fuming silence, spat. “You and reports, I’m not surprised. Your duty has always been to those useless wastes of space, hasn’t it.” Nadine drew herself up, until she was on the edge of her seat. “I don’t need you. I know exactly what to do.” “Wait, Nadine! Please, I didn’t-“ She hung up, cutting her brother off.
Nadine sat rigid for a few more moments, phone in hand, then finally took a deep breath and stood.“Lucz, get up. We’re going home." * * *
Outbreak stage 2
It had been four days since the attack, and Nadine knew exactly what she was doing. Or at least, that’s what she told herself as she began the night’s patrol through the length of dusky streets surrounding her apartment. She had asked around about experiences with the shadow creatures incessantly and trawled the underground forums feverishly during day, while she anxiously paced the streets at night, rifle in hand. She probably would have been better off sleeping or standing guard inside her apartment, but she couldn’t sit still. She had to find the monsters, and.. She didn’t know what would happen after that, but if they were solid, she’d kill them. Although with what she’d heard from others and felt that first night, she had a nagging feeling they wouldn’t hold enough substance to die, much less be shot. If only they’d give her more to work with than a few far off howls and whispers, she could be sure…
Nadine’s thoughts were interrupted by a jarring buzz from her pocket. She whipped out her cell phone in record time, answered, held it to her ear, and listened. It was still early, had a creature gotten past her and wormed its way inside her house? A few seconds of nothing, then an uncertain shuffling came from the other end, followed by an “uh, Nadine? You there?”
Nadine exhaled the breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding, then pushed her glasses up to pinch the bridge of her nose. “You obviously aren’t dying. Why did you call?”
“Yeah, Nadine, simmer down. There’s just a guy here. Says he’s police?”
Oh god, worse than a shadow creature. Nadine whirled around and pounded back up the street to her hotel, only remembering the phone after a few seconds. “Don’t let him in! Keep quiet.” The hung up as she sprinted into and up the stairwell, only slowing as she reached her own floor, regaining her breath and composure by the time her door came into sight.. And the man standing outside it. Nadine approached warily, one hand on her skinning knife in case he wasn’t police and just some loony. Once a few feet away, she stopped and said in a flat voice, “What do you want?”
Posts: 31
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Character Name: Elgen Galbraith
Main Account: Levenin
Status: Active
Post by Elgen on Jan 11, 2016 4:26:44 GMT -5
Elgen wasn’t sure what was worse: parading around here in the Lower Ring or being stuck in that weird containment chamber thing of Nephila’s. On one hand, he’d been trapped in that stupid project of hers for what seemed like hours and the subject of “yaoi”— whatever the hell that was— was long behind him like a bad hangover. But then again, oh how he hated coming to this part of the city. Filthy streets filled with filthy people… The thought alone gave him a headache that Elgen would have to deal with later. For now, he was on duty and it was in his best interest to act like it.
He flipped through his recorder, skimming the tidbits of information he’d gathered thus far. The shadow creature attacks weren’t slowing down in the slightest and now actual proof of them was turning up. Those few, short weeks of interviewing countless people who claimed to have been attacked, only for them to not even have the decency to show a chicken scratch. They were just druggies, crazies, and assholes who wanted to waste the police’s time. At least that’s what he and his SP division thought at first. Then suddenly, legitimate injuries were reported all over. Still could’ve been druggies, but Elgen knew better than that. They were far too strung out to organize themselves like this. Hell, did druggies even have groups of operation? Drug lords, maybe, but not low lives looking for their next fix.
Vigilantes. It had to be, though if that was true, Elgen had never before seen a widespread effort like this. It was a disgusting thought— criminals at every level of Novus preying on the weak and unsuspecting. And for what? He didn’t care what their reasoning was. All he knew was that if he got his hands on any of them, they’d regret it.
However, his inner rage needed to be quelled for his actual job: investigation. His recorder whined as he pulled up another notepad. ”Shut up, we’re almost done,” Elgen said to the device with a hint of boredom. He’d been at this for hours and finally was near the end of his rounds. SP wanted an account from every household that’d reported one of these “shadow beast” attacks. Of course, they’d so graciously given him this sector of the Lower Ring. Whatever, this next place was one of the last on the list.
”Police,” Elgen called again, giving the door a firmer knock before being greeted by a woman who appeared none too happy to see him. ”Excuse me?”
He sneered at her. She was trying to intimidate him but it only made him more grumpy. God, all the man wanted was to go back to headquarters for a coffee and an aspirin. ”Don’t give me that look. This is none of your business. Now go skulk around someone else’s unit before you piss me off. Police! Open the door!”
Posts: 15
Preferred Name: Sey
Pronouns: they/she
Character Profile: x
Character Name: Nadine Damani
Main Account: this one
Status: Active
Post by Nadine on Jan 11, 2016 5:43:58 GMT -5
And her was one of the many reasons Nadine didn’t like the police, showcased graciously by this asshole. The result of the divine combination of bluster and the belief of being above others stood in front of her, and was shouting down her door. Oh, and don’t forget to add a gun into the mix for maximum capitalization on potential body count of a bloated ego. Besides, police were known family-abandoning ass-kissers. Ahem.
Really, Nadine ought to just cut the chase and tell him to fuck off if he didn’t have a warrant. She needed to continue patrolling, and she just didn’t want the police, or anyone or anything else, inside her home. Of course, then he’d come back with said warrant at an even more inconvenient hour and continue to sully the atmosphere with his gross sneers. Only she could sully with sneers here, it was the basic right of renters, probably somewhere in the fine print of her lease. Additionally, she didn’t currently have anything to hide. There were no illegal substances within her house, she didn’t allow it of her father, and she hadn’t been to the zones recently. She had nothing to worry about. And honestly, no shadow monster could make it inside her house with her right there, so that was one check off the “do not let into the house” list. Although with this guy’s determination, she didn’t think she could check him off the list with any reasonable speed. Nadine could’ve sworn he was starting to dent her door. She might as well find out why this guy was called here. And being brushed off never sat right with her, so she was practically obligated to be asinine back at him in the process.
A slight grimace flickered across her face as she observed the man trying to yell down her door. She quirked an eyebrow, used her free hand to push up her glasses, and again addressed the man. “It might be the head of house is out. It might also be my business. What do you want.” Huh, maybe he’ll make her say it a third time. After all, third time’s the charm, and if one can’t get superstitious in the time of rampaging monsters, when can they?
Posts: 31
Preferred Name: Nama
Character Profile: ♠♠♠
Character Name: Elgen Galbraith
Main Account: Levenin
Status: Active
Post by Elgen on Jan 11, 2016 6:16:54 GMT -5
Elgen could feel his upper lip quivering from the sheer force of the snarl that was now making itself at home on his lips. As if the Lower Ring wasn’t disgusting enough on its own with the amount of grime, trash, and dilapidation plaguing the streets. The number of smart asses he met whenever he came down here always astounded him. How could so many people be this stupid? Yes, threaten the big hulking "police officer" with enough firepower on his back to power an entire Slum district's energy supply. That will turn out well.
Elgen cocked his own glasses at her in response. Two could play at that game. It’d be so easy just to force this woman to leave with a show of strength or an arrest warrant, but in all honesty, this was the most fun he’d had all day. What a sad life he lived when arguing with Lower Class rats was welcomed to escape drudgery. ”Oh, really now?” he asked, turning to her with his arms crossed. ”Unless you can magically transport to the other side of this damn door and get me my man, then no, you're not necessary here. Actually, wait a sec...”
He squinted before pulling up a memo on his recorder about this particular case. Of course, how could he forget? Though one couldn’t blame him for letting one person out of a hundred slip his mind. ”I think I remember you… You came in with a younger man not too long ago— a Lucz Damani or however you say it.”
Suddenly, her face was coming back to him. Just barely, but enough to where the possibility of fisticuffs in the hallway was rapidly melting away. Elgen couldn’t really fight the person he was supposed to be recording a personal account for, sadly. ”And that’d make you… Nadine? If so, I’m gathering information and I won’t be too happy if you don’t cooperate.”
Posts: 15
Preferred Name: Sey
Pronouns: they/she
Character Profile: x
Character Name: Nadine Damani
Main Account: this one
Status: Active
Post by Nadine on Jan 11, 2016 23:24:22 GMT -5
Oh, getting testy, were we? The man looked as if his face might rupture like a bloated corpse from buildup of incensed vapours. He certainly seemed rotten enough. Nadine straightened to her full height- decidedly taller than the officer, she smugly noted. She really shouldn’t be encouraging the quarrelsome man, but he should learn not to be condescending. Nadine wasn’t the type to take the doormat role, and she loved teaching lessons in the grittier points of life. Well, maybe not today, jail would be.. unfortunate. But she didn’t forget, and there was always tomorrow to pick ill thought out fights.
Then he paused in his bullying attempts. Tragic, it seemed she wouldn’t get a third time to ask what he wanted. A waste of completely unnecessary drama, but such is life.
Had he seen her before? Maybe it wasn’t a search of her apartment he wanted. Nadine flicked through memories of the previous few days. Had she done something? The only thing she might be pegged for is waving her gun at a few people while skulking through the streets looking for the monsters, but she had a permit. For the gun, not the waving. Maybe that was it..?
Then he got to Lucz. Oh fuck, she knew she shouldn’t have listened to him and instead thrown his petulant ass over her shoulder and dragged him home. She hadn’t thought the lower class police would actually send anyone, and that she’d be able to just forget the whole situation. Again though, such is life.
Nadine had known what she was doing.. Not taking into account Lucz's pure terror. It was.. Understandable. Understandable but unacceptable. Yet he had insisted on going to the police. And by insisted she meant he had thrown a tantrum while they were walking home, saying he felt " unsafe " and " threatened" in the dark. Pah. Did he not trust her? Was she not enough? Did he, in his naïveté, really think anyone would be able to stay with him? She was all he had, and it was for the best. Yet she hadn't been in the best state of mind then, it was unfortunate and wouldn't happen again, but in her weakness she had acquiesced. But night in the lower class had so few safe places.. Especially not the police station, but at least it was reliably lit. It wasn't like she was following Seth's directions, the station was convenient. Just convenient. Besides, he wasn't even in the lower class department, he'd left long ago to live and work above her. So she'd gone inside, fully intending to simply ignore all attempts by officers to see why she was there until the flicker of fluorescent lights calmed Lucz's hyperventilation. But before she could do anything, Lucz had begun gibbering at the receptionist and then at the few officers left at the station who had been called over. She had been unable to stop him. She was sure her air of disapproval and stony reticence would have gotten through to him if he had any sanity left. But they must have gotten something of interest from Lucz, and he must have let their address slip. Hadn’t she warned him never to tell others their address? But she’d see to Lucz’s punishment later. Now, this asshole was here to reward her lenience.
But.. gathering information implied he knew things about the shadows, things that she might have missed. Nadine’s attention was caught. Cooperate was a pretty harsh word, but she might just acquiesce to questioning if it meant she could get some of her own questions answered.
Nadine pursed her lips and gave a slight nod. “I am.” She relaxed her stance, hopefully to encourage him to do as well. “What have you learned so far? I might be able to fill in some blanks.”
And she could definitely fight the police officer recording her personal account if he tried hard enough.
Posts: 31
Preferred Name: Nama
Character Profile: ♠♠♠
Character Name: Elgen Galbraith
Main Account: Levenin
Status: Active
Post by Elgen on Jan 14, 2016 20:42:42 GMT -5
Elgen stood and sized her up, puffing out his chest and pouting as hard as his lips would allow. As if anyone could play the intimidation game better than him. He’d be damned to let this woman think she had the upper hand. He wasn’t afraid to devolve to fisticuffs if that’s what it took. There was some satisfaction in imagining such a scenario: them getting into a tumble— with him winning, of course— before he gave her a front row seat to him breaking down this godforsaken door with some elbow grease and a heaping round of Edinburgh.
No, wait. Now was not the time to be daydreaming and letting himself get complacent. But the Edinburgh thing could definitely happen— just as soon as he could get this woman out of his hair.
”Hey hey, I’m the one asking the questions here,” Elgen said, shaking around his recorder for her to see. ”Look, if I’m feeling generous, I’ll answer whatever you want afterwards, if that’s what’ll make you spill, Miss Dama— oh fuck it, I’m calling you Nadine.”
He punched around on his recorder screen to bring it out of a stubborn sleep mode, a short pause. ”But if you must know, we don’t have much to go on. Weeding out the legitimate interviewees from the ones that are obviously on something is a task in itself, and then comes breaking down the leftover reports, one by one. It’s not exactly something the police can do overnight, especially since everyone’s too damn afraid to walk around and do their jobs with this shit going on.”
Was he supposed to mention that? Elgen didn’t think he was supposed to let that part slip. The police skipping out on work for safety’s sake? The Lower Ring precinct wouldn’t want that little secret to float around openly. If only he could be assed to care about the LPPD.
”We can't get any doctors to explain how people can either be injured with no signs or if it's possible for it all to be one giant hallucination. No wild animal escapes or overpopulation either, but then you run into the first problem again if that was the case. It's a fuckin' mess, to put it lightly. I’d tell you some of my personal theories but that's pretty sensitive information. It’d be nice to chat somewhere more private… Like inside of this apartment, for instance.”I’m basing this off of Outbreak update #1, where people didn’t have visible injuries yet and Scavengers weren't targets, but if you wanna move it to a later update, I can. \o/
Posts: 15
Preferred Name: Sey
Pronouns: they/she
Character Profile: x
Character Name: Nadine Damani
Main Account: this one
Status: Active
Post by Nadine on Jan 15, 2016 3:41:37 GMT -5
Was he.. trying to be threatening? Nadine had to bite her lip and furrow her brows to keep from snickering as he attempted to stare her down- or up, rather. Paired with his ridiculous pout, he looked almost childlike. Strange, in this moment he seemed so young, impressing himself upon the world amidst his thrashing sea of rancor. Her urge to laugh melted away, leaving her grinding her teeth into her lip as he continued to loudly and artificially claim dominance over the conversation. Then he gave his paltry excuse for terms of exchange. She raised her eyebrows and repeated, “Generous?” then lowered them in preference for slight smirk. “You don’t give the impression of ever willingly being generous. A partnership, ” Her smirk widened, “ requires set give and take. We can figure something out that’s good for the both of us.”“It would be hard to tell, I’d imagine being drugged up would have the same affect on one’s senses. So little control over one’s self.” Nadine’s smile slipped for a second, then her smirk turned nasty as she bared her teeth in disdain. “So the police are as scarce as the monstrous shadows, I’d thought the lack of complaints was strange. How fitting. Of course, it’s not like they ever do anything of worth down here.” Wait, she was supposed to be ingratiating herself to the guy, not making biting (yet factual) commentary about his fellow scum. It was no use embittering him while he had things she wanted. “Er.” She paused. Nope, no apology coming, better focus on another topic. Personal theories? Personal theories were what had kept her awake and functioning on. Uh. An unknown amount of sleep. Personal theories and pure nerves. Hell yeah she wanted to get her grubby hands on sensitive information, even if it meant letting someone into her house. Of course, she had already struggled herself with the paradoxes he had stated. Hopefully he had something fresh “Ah, you mean my apartment?” Had he still not realised? She thought his remembrance of her name and her lingering here made it obvious. Why else would he remember her? She cocked an eyebrow at him, then plucked her key from a pocket inside her belt satchel without breaking eye contact. “I’d prefer you tell me your name first. Strangers don’t come in, although you seem to know me, and it’s doubtful knowing your name will make you less strange.”
Since the initial post was made this at the very beginning of stage two (when the vigilantes were first blamed), I’d been going off of that! It’s why she stayed close to her house rather than ranging farther, and I was thinking it would be cool to give her some memory issues from when she was patrolling near her apartment complex. But if you’d rather it be in the first stage I can revise a bit!! it'd also be cool to have her range further.
Posts: 31
Preferred Name: Nama
Character Profile: ♠♠♠
Character Name: Elgen Galbraith
Main Account: Levenin
Status: Active
Post by Elgen on Jan 19, 2016 1:08:19 GMT -5
Partnership? Well, now she was speaking his language. It was something he’d have to think on, of course, but that word seemed so enticing somehow.
”It can’t be drugs, though,” stated Elgen. ”Either that or someone’s managed to make some powerful shit that can’t be detected. We’ve been checking hospital records of those who claimed to be victims and body scans haven’t shown anything suspicious. I’d say it’s because the LPPD can’t do their job and haven’t been gathering data correctly, but I took a look at the database myself. No connections. Lower Class, High Class, rich or poor, from entertainers to hard laborers— doesn’t matter. Everyone’s fair game.”
Elgen smirked at her commentary over the competency of the police. If it were SP, he’d be all over her in an instant. But the Lower Class precincts? Yeah, he’d worked with them numerous times and the lack of intelligence each time was astonishing. It was as if he could physically feel his own skill wither away just watching them bumble around. It said something of the officers when even the citizens could plainly see the mediocrity. ”To be fair, the LPPD aren’t the only ones with their hands hopelessly tied. It’s at every level, pretty much. Not as bad up top for obvious reasons. Money is the big cog that makes the machine turn ‘round, after all, and not a lot of that trickles down into this area of the city. Partly why I’m here, because they needed my services.”
If Elgen had to stare at the outside of this door any longer, he swore he’d go crazy. This was a criminal amount of time to not be inside doing some damage control. He knew that Lucz kid was in there somewhere and he was the more important one, with him having spilled so much information the first time around. With Nadine here demanding his name, Elgen couldn’t believe they were still doing this.
”Elgen Galbraith. Don’t say my last name. Now let’s please get on with it. I know you're hiding Lucz in there but I promise I’m not here to interrogate him-- or you. It’s all so we can eventually properly deal with this threat so I don't have to step foot in the Lower Ring ever again.”
Unless she was actually hiding something besides her brother behind closed doors, in which case all pretense would be summarily dropped like a hammer to an anvil… or maybe like Edinburgh to this godforsaken lock.Stage 2 is good. I've been wanting to get further into the updates lol
Posts: 15
Preferred Name: Sey
Pronouns: they/she
Character Profile: x
Character Name: Nadine Damani
Main Account: this one
Status: Active
Post by Nadine on Jan 23, 2016 3:24:49 GMT -5
He’d been able to get a direct line to data, hot shit this was excellent. She couldn’t wait to grill him, even with his gloomy outlook and inability to put pieces together. Of course, she'd have to actually put her all-consuming confusion into words, but anything concrete would help, right? He wasn’t from the lower district (did that mean he was from the middle district? Did he.. know Seth? She shook away the intrusive thought as quickly as it came), and definitely seemed to think that gave him an advantage. Maybe it would, although it did nothing for his bloated ego. Ugh, his pure pretension and condescension made her want to rethink affiliation with him, or at least give him a good smack about. She was smarter than that though. Probably. She needed him. Probably.
She nodded at his conclusion. “That lines up with what people have been saying online. And Lucz and I were attacked, so that would definitely rule out drugs as the instigator. But you can hear more about that inside.”
Nadine side eyed him at his comments about the police. Not to say that she didn’t thoroughly enjoy hearing smack talk about the police, but had he no sense of duty? It was probably in the same line as she complaining about her family’s general incompetence, but that might be giving him too much credit. He sounded as if he had no love for those he thought beneath him. Bleagh. Well, at least it freed her to rip into them, so there goes that inhibition.
Finally. She had been dismayed that he knew more about her than she about he. And he even thought to present questioning as something soft. Maybe he did have some tact. Although she definitely didn’t like the incriminating tone he used when claiming she was hiding Lucz. Of course, it was exactly what she was doing, but he made it sound like she was jailing him. Which, again, was surprisingly close to the truth. Actually, that was probably why she didn’t like it.
Well, she wouldn’t get away with locking him out by this point, so hesitation be damned. She strode past him to the door and unlocked it, then swung it open. Well, half open, its trajectory was ended by a hefty smack into a head that hadn’t jerked back quickly enough.
“Ow, Nadine! Be careful!” “You deserved that. Now scram, and make sure Felix isn’t still bumming about in the living room. If he asks, say I’ll tell him about it later. Or that it’s none of his business. Either works.”
Lucz started away down the entrance hall, looking back reproachfully but thinking better of retorting as he turned the corner towards the kitchen and living room. Muffled complaints and coaxings were heard as Lucz shuffled Felix off to Felix’s room.
Nadine walked in through the short entrance hall and turned the corner, then turned back as she took her boots off. “Make sure the door is shut, you’ll have to shove. And take your shoes off.” After ensuring that he had properly closed the door, she continued into the shabby yet meticulously clean living room. Well, except for where Felix had been sitting but a few moments before. Her lip curled in irritation as she took in his usual mess- a beer can mostly empty of it’s swill, the TV remotes scattered amidst the mussed blankets, the pillows all thrown onto the wooden chair- disgusting. She removed the small pile of pillows and place them back onto the couch with care, then turned to Elgen and gestured to the end of the couch not previously occupied by Felix. “Sit, please. How would you like to conduct this? A question for a question?” That was normal for this type of procession, right?
Thank god Lucz was taking an inordinate amount of time getting Felix away, he’d throw the beginning finagling of business out of whack. Or maybe he was just listening through another door. Honestly, if he weren’t, Nadine’d be disappointed. After slamming said door into him, of course. Now, though, he had the opportunity to butt in at the most inopportune moment he could calculate. Great.
Posts: 31
Preferred Name: Nama
Character Profile: ♠♠♠
Character Name: Elgen Galbraith
Main Account: Levenin
Status: Active
Post by Elgen on Jan 27, 2016 3:01:45 GMT -5
Elgen scoffed before belching out a hearty fit of laughter. ”Online? Like where, on one of those anonymous tabloid sites where anyone can post whatever crap they want?” He laughed again, though this time he stifled it as he happily invited himself inside the elusive apartment door. ”I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for that to come out so loud, it’s just… God, I can't even... Just go get him.” He’d heard of these sites and comment boards, sure, but the man didn’t think anybody actually believed anything written on them. Was this a Lower Class thing? A few at Secret Police HQ were less than skeptical of their validity, but Elgen didn’t consider those particular officers to be especially intelligent.
He didn’t dare sit down once inside, seeing the aftermath of this Felix character's extended living room stay and trying his damnedest to hide a disgusted lip snarl. These people hadn’t been expecting him so he hadn’t raised his standards too high, but this looked a lot like a classic case of couch surfing. Who knew how clean anything was, even the untouched areas. Though he had to tally up another point of respect for Nadine, who clearly knew how to shoot a few orders of her own.
”I’m fine, thank you,” Elgen answered in response to being told to take a load off. Besides, seating himself meant he’d get comfortable and that was the opposite of what he wanted here. Elgen wanted in and out, nothing more. There’d been enough time wasted just trying to get inside the damn unit.
”Fair enough, I guess. We seem to have a good amount of things to throw around so this is the easiest way to do it without someone complaining.”
The man paused, noting Lucz had yet to return to the scene. He’d let that slip for now. The recorder was then awoken from sleep mode. ”So first off, I need an account of what you were doing the night you both were attacked. And I mean a detailed one. Where you were, anyone in particular you’d been hanging around with hours in advance of the attack, yadda yadda. Any inconsequential detail could end up being a link. And before you ask, if you name anyone with less than savory ties to whatever, they won't be investigated unless we have reason to believe they perpetuated these assaults.”