@ viz: TY !!! //the atmosphere strokes u back
@ lills: thank !! all the sneeky kyne to make it better + 3 +
@ xela: um hi to u too omg thank you @ v @ <3
@ chika: NEVER
ReDux stuff \ o /
A sort of ?? idea of the inside of Attie's house / clinic ! I didn't add any of the clutter / items just the furniture
a second one !
Precious echo for chibi!!!
Illani's design
Birb boy is cute u < u
Potential outfit sketches for effirie!
Ok so I was given the request to draw my losers in holiday sweaters and this happened.
Heights are roughly accurate! kyne is for real actually that small tho
AU STUFF \ o /
Kyne and Poly being brothery
They must be brothers or adopted brothers or w/e wherever possible !!!Chika drew poly w a ponytail for this au and its so cute help 8(
Chika convinced me that attie needed flowersssss for this au also
Zeke's design for the au
we make big aus w all our characters FIGHT MEEEEEWalking dead au zeke
Knights Au kisses.
Various settings teddykyne stuff
Bonus Kyne booty with no explanation