Posts: 7
Preferred Name: kenny
Main Account: Kendra
Post by kalax on Oct 25, 2015 0:47:09 GMT -5
Cross groups, a host that didn't seem as if she wanted to be there in the least, and most importantly, he was missing the party inside in favor for this. Things had better be worth it in the end, because he'd rather be in his office than here. And that meant quite a bit.The message sent off without a hitch, and he found himself standing back with arms crossed over his chest to observe the group he had been so lucky to be assigned. He wasn't exactly expecting much them, but they couldn't be too bad - right? Or so he thought.
It was like watching children stumble around in the dark trying to find their way. So while they played their little game of 'rescue the boy', Kalax found himself wandering away from those remaining. He didn't pay attention to the yelling while rummaging through multiple desks in hope of finding a hidden switch or something to make his life ( and their's, he supposed ) easier in the long run. He had watched the elf eared woman pull something out of a desk - and a moment later he felt something brush against his fingers. A brow raised while he pulled out a stick of Acid Magic, turning the item over in his hand for a moment before stashing it into his coat pocket. So that was what she had found, interesting."It isn't that difficult." He did nothing to mask the annoyance in his voice as he pushed a desk under the landing. Fuck stacking those, that was too much effort for too little feedback. He grabbed hold of a piece of debris and lugged it onto the top of the desk, settling it against the wall. It wasn't enough height to fully reach things - but it would do. He hated dealing with these type of things, and he suit was dusty now. Fantastic.
Kalax pulled himself up the desk, then the debris, and gave a small hop towards the platform. His fingers gripped the edge just enough to pull himself up and sit on the edge. "Well? We haven't got all night. Lightest first, and then we can pull the others up." He rolled his eyes and leaned over the edge to take hold of each person as they came up - finally standing back up once everyone had made it.
Really, that hadn't been so difficult. permission to get the nerds up and over /o/
Post by Guide on Oct 26, 2015 4:21:55 GMT -5
Messages from other group
They'd all done the message check well enough, she supposed. One of em seemed to be spacing out a bit, so Lucente took it upon herself to message the poor sap who was missing out on a friendly hello. It hadn't exactly been one sentence, but she was the guide here, so if she wanted to bend the rules a bit for herself there was nothing holding her back. Her gaze moved sideways ( though she supposed it was impossible to tell with her mask on ) as one of the group asked her a question about his message. A small tap on her wrist played it on rewind, and she listened to it for a moment. "It's just a greeting, so it's not a big deal. Try not to stall so much in later messages though." Technically you could have one sentence that went on for a paragraph, but she was expecting them to use common sense here. The rules were what she made them, so she would call them out if they tried to mess around. Speaking of messing around though, it was interesting to see their approach to get to the top of the stairs.
Most groups did go for the wall first, so she wasn't surprised to see the boy run towards it. And she'd be lying if she said she didn't find their surprise at the ghoulish arms to always be incredibly funny. She brought a gloved hand in front of her mouth to stifle a small chuckle as the boy was pulled towards the wall, two others of the group frantically rushing to save him. She noted the two that had found the magic hidden in the drawers, but apart from the laugh remained silent as the group finally began moving the objects in the room around and hoisted themselves up. When the last one had reached the landing at the top of the stairs, Lucente pushed herself off of the debris she'd been sitting on, tapping her wrist again. As she did, rotting hands burst through the wall underneath the landing once more, this time forming a stairway with their palms up to the doorway. She frowned a little bit-it was always kind of gross to be honest-before beginning to step up them until she'd reached the platform by the door with the rest of the group. Another press against her wrist and the hands were gone once more."Alright then, congratulations to you all for completing the first puzzle. As a reward, I'll let you all get your first round of messages from the other group. And if you want to play back your messages at any point, simply tap the headset and it will start looping through them." She supposed she might as well listen to what Jek had said too...nope. No. That was a bad idea. The mask hid her blush, but she quickly blurted out her message back to him, a tinge of anger in her voice. Ah. That had been a bit sudden. Lucente coughed lightly, composing herself before gesturing to the door next to them. "Ahem. Your next challenge is to get through this door. That's all. I wish you good luck. Please remember to send a message to the other team. Oh, and if I might make a suggestion as to what you might say. Please look behind you." She turned her head towards the wall across from them, where seven lines of text were scrawled haphazardly across the wallpaper, red oozing from the letters even as they looked on.
[/font][li] Cold Words and Cold Shoulders [/li]
[li] What goes up must come down and should never have gone up in the first place [/li]
[li] You plucked the last petal and it broke apart in your hand[/li]
[li] Tick tock tick tock onto infinity [/li]
[li] Brittle bones break [/li]
[li] Red red blood, keep it inside [/li]
[li] Misplaced comments ruffle feathers[/li] [/ul] "And remember, one sentence each." This puzzle will last two rounds, and I will make a post between rounds to tell you what effects your actions have. The door in front of the group appears to be made of solid and finely polished wood with a golden doorknob. You may attempt anything in order to the open the door, but the success of any action can't be guaranteed until I make my post as guide. If you have any questions, please feel free to pm me. You can ask me some questions about what would/wouldn't work if you want to know how your character would react, but I can't guarantee I will be able to give detailed answers for questions such as those. But I will do my best /o/ Sorry for the delay, everyone! As discussed over pm, we'll be changing the rounds to 3 days from now on. The threads will also now run for 3-4 weeks total instead of 2 weeks. We'll inform you here and over pm when we decide on an official end date.
Spear of Cerberus
Posts: 109
Preferred Name: Varmun
Pronouns: He/Him
Character Profile: Character List
Character Name: Dante Vasari
Main Account: Isaac
Status: Active
Post by Dante on Oct 26, 2015 16:09:40 GMT -5
“O-okay. Okay!” Dante grabbed the woman’s long hair, though he couldn’t move his arms, only grasp those long locks before anything else could. With some crazy strength in that lady’s hair and the help of the girl in the creepy mask, the two pulled Dante free from the wall, whereupon he crashed on top of both of them.
“Sorry!” he said as he scrambled off of them. He immediately prostrated in front of them, his head to the floor. “Thank you, thank you, thank you.” He groveled for a moment, then another, and then he simply remained still. Sweat rolled down Dante’s face from the heat of his blush. He could feel everyone’s eyes on him, even if they actually weren’t. On the very first puzzle, Dante had managed to make a fool of himself. He whimpered silently, his stomach twisting. There had to be a way he could fix this.
What made it all worse was the way Lucente seemed to command the hands, making them form a set of stairs to help lead everyone up the now solved puzzle. Dante looked to the glowing, pink-haired man who had singlehandedly come up with a solution. The man seemed so irritated, and it was all Dante’s fault.
When the group arrived at the second puzzle, Dante remained in the back of the group, rubbing his sore arms where the hands had grabbed him. His eyes looked to the door up ahead, and then followed Lucente’s finger. When he saw the wall, he jolted, startled by the red liquid that oozed from the carved letters. His blush returned, but he shook his head and tried to focus. He had to redeem himself here.
But… none of this made sense. Dante didn’t know his spirits could sink any lower, but they did as the words confused him. What did any of these lines mean?
Well, Lucente had told them that these were suggestions for what to say to the other team. Maybe these words weren’t meant for the mansion team. Maybe the zoo team needed these words, and the zoo team had the answer to this door puzzle. Yeah! That had to be it.
Dante touched his headset, and this time he decided to contact Uriel. The guy seemed well-read—given his question about some book Dante had never heard of—so maybe he would be the best person to solve a riddle.
That one seemed like the most important. It was the longest one, after all. Hopefully Uriel could do something with that and send some help in return.
But while Dante waited for another zoo team member to send him a message, he looked back to the wall. A set of words kept pulling at him: “Red red blood, keep it inside.” That one actually made a little bit of sense. The letters were oozing red liquid. Maybe they weren’t supposed to?
Dante bit his lip. He had already humiliated himself, and maybe doing this would make it worse, but he had to give this a try. Maybe people would respect him for trying, or maybe—by some miracle—he would be right about this. He walked up to the wall and started scooping the red liquid that oozed out of “Red red blood, keep it inside.” As best he could, he tried to push it all back in. He really, really hoped this wasn’t actually blood. It couldn’t be… right?
Actions taken:
- Thanked Gaia and Ellie profusely
- Sent Uriel a message
- Tried to keep the red oozing liquid inside the carved words “Red red blood, keep it inside”
Bow of Cerberus
forever judging koko
Posts: 18
Preferred Name: Mama, Tsukiko, Beyonce
Pronouns: She, Her
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Character Name: Gaia
Main Account: This one yo
Status: Lurking
Post by tsukikomumai on Oct 27, 2015 23:11:18 GMT -5
As soon as the boy was free, Gaia landed on her back with him and another member of the tour group collided together. When they untangled themselves, Gaia got up and dusted off her dress, happy it didn't get a lot of dust on it and smiled over at the boy, "Just make sure to be more careful okay dear?" Some of her dreads lazily lifted off her shoulders to give the boy a pat on the head before she turned her attention to one of the other tour members reaching to pull people up to the landing. When Gaia got her footing she gave a small nod of appreciation and waited for the rest of the group to follow.
When they all made it to the landing, the guide told them that they would be rewarded with the notes passed on. Gaia was happy to hear Athena's voice and was glad to know she was probably enjoying herself a lot more than she was but at least that meant she didn't have to worry about her student. And although she didn't know what her guide's message was, it was quite amusing to see her so flustered even if you couldn't see most of her face. Well well, she has some dimension to her... Gaia thought before she saw the writing on the walls. Her eyes went wide and changed to the color icy-blue. The words looked like they were written in blood but it was probably an illusion but still the effect was working. A shiver went down the dancer's spine as she looked on barely hearing the rest of what the guide was saying.
When they were left to themselves Gaia spent her time staring at the words, figuring out the messages behind them. They had to mean something or maybe they could also be a red herring, the problem was figuring it out. One of the sentences stuck out to her which made her think of a way to try and open the door. It was a silly idea but the guide did saying try anything to open it. Before she went ahead with her plan, Gaia looked at the first name she saw on the tour list to send a message:
After the message was sent, Gaia ruffled her dreads for a fully bloomed flowers, most of the flowers were still growing so they didn't have stems strong enough for use. She finally plucked a pink rose and a a yellow tulip, one with thorns and one without. "I hope nothing jumps out." Gaia sighed as she walked over to the door and gently kneel to be at eye level with the door knob. She picked up the two flowers, turning them so the stems would be turned towards the knob and she started to jimmy the knob seeing if the door could be unlocked her makeshift picks. "Please nothing jump out..."
Actions: Message about flowers sent to the spider dude Flowers from hair used as lock pickers
Will Punch Your Butthole
Posts: 114
Preferred Name: Donut
Pronouns: Her/She
Character Name: Ellie 'Evrika' Waters
Post by Ellie on Oct 28, 2015 20:47:29 GMT -5
The kid reminded her way too much of Lev, but he had an oddly likable charm about him. She simply shrugged off his thanks and gave him a flash of her real teeth in a smile. A grin in a grin. Briefly she wished she'd put on the fanged caps she'd considered buying with the mask; the kid might just piss himself for how scared he looked. Now that would make for a funny evening.
Once they were all up on the ledge, she watched with a twinge of annoyance as their guide used the hands to get up. Maybe she should've tried to sock the guide; that could've gotten them up lickety-split. Then again this was a game and a sponsored event, so that likely would've gotten her kicked out of the whole thing.
At the guide's command, a quiet beep sounded in her ear. She tapped the side of her headset. The message almost made her snort. Good luck, huh? She cast a look about her group, eyes falling on the excitable little kid that had gotten grabbed first round. Yeah. Luck might be needed in this.
The fake blood was a nice touch, she had to admit. If she didn't routinely beat people to bloody pulps and get herself plenty bloody, she'd actually be creeped out. But alas, that was the cost of her life.
Get through a door? Really? The door was obviously not made of what it appeared to be, that was puzzle 101. But Ellie had a lot of faith in her strength. She took a moment to consider that it might be trapped...but this was an event. Even if it was rigged with a trap, it's not like it could seriously hurt her. And seeing the others do stuff like collect the blood on the wall or poke at the knob with a flower didn't exactly fill her with hope. "If your flowers don't work in a second, stand back. Might be able to just kick it down." She offered her services before sending her own message to another name at random, picking a random phrase from the wall.
She glanced at the pink haired dude from before, "You wanna help lend a little muscle to it, buddy?"Actions taken: Judged surroundings
Considered violence
Offered to kick the shit out of the door
Posts: 11
Preferred Name: Mist
Character Profile: Hub
Character Name: Taylor
Main Account: Riley
Status: Lurking
Post by Taylor on Oct 29, 2015 2:40:09 GMT -5
She had been spacing out, completely entranced by the gruesome looking wall which had seemed more than happy to try and swallow poor Dante whole. Luckily for him two of their group acted so quickly. Still though that was one magnificent piece of tech and Taylor couldn’t help but be a little taken aback by it.
The last participant - or perhaps she should say teammate – got them over the wall and immediately into their next puzzle: a closed door. Well, from what Lucente said it seemed easy enough, but riddles? Oww, she did not like riddles and these bloody looking ones didn’t make much sense to her either.
For now, Taylor ignored the door. She didn’t think it would be so easy as picking a lock or using brute force, but then again getting over the wall had required a simple solution in the end as well. So no idea was a bad one at this point. The only bad thing were the riddles.
Taking a few steps closer while making sure not to trip over Dante, she read each sentence carefully over. Most likely they were clues to get the door open…or to bring them on the wrong track, but Taylor only made a mental note of that possibility. “Hm, the first one seems like it’s about an argument. The second…haha hey a twist to the usual proverb! Maybe something that shouldn’t be able to fly?” she was mumbling more to herself than anyone in particular, it helped to think out loud.
With the petal one she tilted her head slightly. It seemed about dying or being the last of something. Then came one about a clock or perhaps time in general and Taylor sighed. After having read them a third and fourth time she could make something out of them, except the one about the red blood. “Brittle bones…maybe not being weak…and the last seems like a warning…oh boy…” Fumbling with one of the leafy vines in between her hair she turned back to look at the door and decided on which sentence to send. She bit her lip then breathed out softly. No matter how she looked at them she wasn't able to link the texts together or find some clue in them for opening the door. So hopefully someone of the other team would be able to help or at least.Actions: - Chose to try and figure out the texts :’)
- Thinks the texts might help figure out how to open the door.
Posts: 7
Preferred Name: kenny
Main Account: Kendra
Post by kalax on Oct 29, 2015 4:12:44 GMT -5
If there was one thing Kalax didn't understand, it was why the white haired kid kept turning red. It would be easy enough to take advantage of later, and he made a mental note to do just that once she saw how flustered he became once the fake blood words appeared on the wall.
Well, he supposed he should send a message.Once that was through he looked towards the boy again and raised a brow at what he was doing. With smooth steps, he moved over towards him just enough to speak quietly to him so no one else could hear. "Careful, little one. Who knows what that might be. It smells a bit metallic." Even if it didn't actually smell that way, it wouldn't hurt to make the child paranoid. He offered a smile before backing away from him and moving closer to the women gathered at the door once he was beckoned. "That's quite alright, I'd love to see you kick it down. Perhaps that will work." He offered the woman a closed lip smile. He had already contributed enough brute force to their little adventure. And she seemed quite strong, enough that he would rather not get on her bad side. "Pardon me, madam. I won't be in your space too long." His voice was low as he stepped next to the woman with dreads and offered her a smile as well. "Perhaps there is a switch of some sort that could be pressed." He spoke while running his hand over the door frame, moving slow enough to feel for a dip that might have signified some sort of assistance. He then moved to run his hand over the front of the door.
Maybe the door just needed a sensual touch. Doors that weren't automated were just so temperamental at times.
Post by Guide on Oct 29, 2015 5:16:26 GMT -5
Messages from the other group will be received next post. As such, no messages will be sent out this turn.Lucente wasn't sure why they were so surprised about her having a special way up to the landing. It wouldn't do for the guide to get stuck behind the group, now would it? Of course she had a few tricks for how to get around this place. Besides, didn't it give her a ~*~ spooky ~*~ atmosphere to walk up a path of rotting hands? Well, her boss thought so at least. And...oh there was her message from Jek. Technically their's weren't supposed to go through until the group's did at the end of the challenge know. Tour guide perks. Even if he was sending dumb things. She frowned slightly, looking away from the group to record her message quickly. She turned back just in time to see the white haired kid sticking his hands in the letters. Oh that was kind of nasty. She hadn't thought to ask the set builders what that stuff was made of. Well, probably nothing poisonous. She just hoped he didn't lick it. God, he wasn't going to lick it was he? Lucente shifted a bit nervously, keeping her eyes on him and his hands. Well, so long as it wasn't on there too long it probably wasn't anything to worry about, right? They'd signed liability forms, anyways.
The guide looked back at the rest of the group just in time to see them start to approach the door. Time to watch the fun, then. She slowly ticked the seconds down as they started to fiddle with it, one of them picking at it with flowers, one talking about kicking it down and the last...apparently molesting it. Ew. Whatever. Oh, but it was about time.
An invisible force suddenly exploded from the door, pushing back Gaia, Ellie, and Kalax, but leaving the other two untouched. The force was accompanied by a high pitched sound, starting quiet but growing in intensity as time passed. "OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHWOW"Oh yes. The fun began. Lucente watched as the doorknob in front of them began twisting, its surface rippling until suddenly a face popped out of it, its features clearly exaggerating its displeasure. A hand rose to her mouth to cover her smile. This was always one of her favorite parts."SERIOUSLY? YOU STICK A P L A N T IN ME? WHAT EVEN IS IN THAT? STICKING POSSIBLY I L L E G A L SUBSTANCES INTO MY MOUTH WITHOUT EVEN ASKING. IT'S LIKE YOU'VE ALL NEVER EVEN HEARD OF M A N N E R S? HAVE YOU? YOU HAVEN'T. YOU HAVEN'T HAVE YOU. WOOOWOowowooWOowowowoWOW." The doorknob shifted its 'face' to Ellie, its frown deepening further. "And yOUUUUU. KICKING ME DOWN? DO I LOOK LIKE I WANT YOUR DIRTY FEET ON MY BEAUTIFUL WOOD? RUDE. RUDE RUDE R U D E. HOW'D YOU LIKE IT IF I SHOVED A HINGE ONTO THAT S Q U I S H Y FLESH MEAT OF YOURS. BET YOU'D THINK IT WAS B A R B A R I C HUH?" Finally, it shifted its gaze to Kalax, the grimace growing in intensity so that the metal of the sphere actually stretched somewhat. "WHERE TO BEGIN WITH YOU. IM SORRY DO WE LIVE IN A DAY AND AGE WHERE YOU CAN JUST WALK UP AND RUB YOUR HANDS ALL OVER SOMEONE WITHOUT SO MUCH AS A H E L L O ? NOT EVERYONE WANTS TO GET WITH YOUR G R I M Y HANDS PRETTY BOY. MAYBE CONSIDER A S K I N G A PERSON NEXT TIME BEFORE YOU GET YOUR DISGUSTING FISH OIL OVER SOMEONE ELSE'S BEAUTIFUL PERSONAGE. IVE NEVER MET SUCH A GROUP OF I L L MANNERED HOOLIGANS BEFORE. I CAN'T beLIEVEEEEE THE KIND OF PEOPLE THEY LET IN HERE THESE DAYS. WELL NOT ON MY WATCH. I REFUSE TO LET ANY SUCH R U D E RAPSCALLIONS THROUGH MY DOOR. NEVER EVER EVER EVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEEEEEERR." The doorknob 'heaved' as it finished yelling, its large breaths sounding like squeaky hinges. Well, maybe the sound part wasn't Lucente's favorite, but people's reactions to this were usually priceless.Your goal is to solve this puzzle before I make my next post. Reminder that your group received no messages this turn and can't send any out until they complete the challenge. As always, if you have any questions, feel free to pm me.
Spear of Cerberus
Posts: 109
Preferred Name: Varmun
Pronouns: He/Him
Character Profile: Character List
Character Name: Dante Vasari
Main Account: Isaac
Status: Active
Post by Dante on Oct 29, 2015 9:18:18 GMT -5
Dante could feel eyes on him as he kept trying to push the red liquid back into the carvings. Everyone probably thought he was crazy. Even he thought he was crazy. Maybe searching for a hidden switch would have been a good idea, but he wanted to think outside the box, see if he could come up with a really clever solution that would impress everyone.
Instead, it just opened him up to mockery. Dante looked back when the pink-haired man told him that the liquid smelled metallic. "It does?!" Dante asked, startled. He pulled his hands back and flicked them against the floor, trying to get it all off without hitting anybody—least of all Taylor, who was standing nearby.
Wait, did a metallic smell mean blood? Is that what blood smelled like? Okay, Dante knew the smell of blood, but he didn't know how to describe it. Was that how it was? Or was metallic blood the blood of robots? Did that make sense?
A sudden burst of air and three hard thuds pulled Dante out of his thoughts. He snapped his head around to see the pink-haired man, the masked girl, and the nice flower lady all on the floor. Dante made his way over to them, about to ask if they were okay, when a shrill voice screamed out. The whole room seemed to tremble at the furious voice. Dante felt his heart leap, and he stood stock still as the voice kept screaming. His eyes darted around for the source, soon settling on the only thing moving in the room: the… doorknob?
"Uhh… So you guys are seeing this too, right? I didn't—like—hit my head or anything earlier?" No one objected, and so Dante kept staring at the doorknob's face… thing.
So it wasn't going to let them in? Was it just because they had been rude, or was there something else to this puzzle? Dante looked back to the words on the walls. More than half of them still made zero sense to him, but a couple of them seemed a bit clearer now: "Cold Words and Cold Shoulders;" and "Misplaced comments ruffle feathers." Maybe rudeness really was the issue here.
Clearing his throat, Dante approached the door. He crouched down until he was eye-level with the doorknob, and he did his best to smile despite his nerves. In a friendly tone, he said, "I'm really sorry that we were rude to you. Nobody meant anything by it. We just didn't notice you were…" Dante paused, trying not to accidentally insult the doorknob. "…that you were so beautiful. Y-yeah. Most of our doors are made of metal, so we don't see such beautiful wood very often. And you see, we're on a tour to see all of the other cool things in this mansion. Could you maybe let us in so we can keep going, please?"Freaked out and flicked the red liquid off his hands (Thanks, Kalax) Tried to apologize and sweet-talk the doorknob (Like the #$%&ing Boy Scout he is)
Will Punch Your Butthole
Posts: 114
Preferred Name: Donut
Pronouns: Her/She
Character Name: Ellie 'Evrika' Waters
Post by Ellie on Oct 30, 2015 22:00:18 GMT -5
Something about the pink haired guy itched her the wrong way. Which, really, most people did, but still. She made a note to avoid him, less she feel compelled to shaking or punching.
The force hit her like a ton of bricks, felt like she got rammed by someone. Her ass stung where she landed too hard on it. Anger flared up in her. And then there went the door, bitching and moaning. She climbed back to her feet and stomped back over, wasting no time before slamming the bottom of her boot to the middle of the door.
"Shut up, shut up, shut up!" she shouted as she attempted to kick the damn thing down. A talking door? Really? That was just silly. Though she might be more spooked if it hadn't blasted her back first. Anger tended to override any other feelings she had at any given time.
Panting a bit, she stepped back when the hands kid decided to approach it. She rolled her eyes behind her mask when he began talking to the door. Oh god. He was asking the door permission. She wanted to shake him. First he collects blood from the wall and now he was talking to a door.